September 24, 2013
To Officers of the IFCN Member Societies,
We would like to inform you that the 30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ICCN) and 58th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging (DGKN) 2014 will take place March 19-23, 2014 in Berlin, Germany. To download the preliminary program, please click here.
The IFCN offers 10 IFCN ExCo Awards (Young Investigator Awards) (USD 4000) for excellent abstracts of young investigators. Applicants must register for ICCN2014, submit an abstract indicating that they wish to compete for one of these awards and must present their material personally at ICCN2014. Decisions will be made by the IFCN ExCo. Please click here for more information.
Further, the IFCN offers 100 fellowships (up to USD 1000) to attend ICCN2014. The fellowship winners must register for ICCN2014, submit an abstract and present their material personally at ICCN2014. Fellows should be supported by their national IFCN member society and their names should be suggested by the national societies to the IFCN Secretariat in Vancouver by the deadline of abstract submission. Decisions are made by the IFCN ExCo. Please click here for more information.
Delegates from economically disadvantaged countries can be supported to attend the IFCN General Assembly meeting in Berlin. The IFCN offers a further 20 fellowships for delegates (up to USD 1000) from economically disadvantaged countries. Delegates must register for ICCN 2014 and must participate personally in the GA meeting. Applications should be sent to the IFCN Secretariat in Vancouver.
For more details on the conference, visit the conference website
We would highly appreciate it if you could forward this information to your members.
Thank you for your cooperation and the support!
Best regards,
Prof. Reinhard Dengler