Clinical Neurophysiology-lehti etsii uutta pääeditoria. Ks. viesti alla. Jos joku tuntee vetoa kyseiseen hommaan tai haluaa paljastaa jonkun kaverin, joka olisi kyvykäs / halukas uudeksi pääeditoriehdokkaaksi, niin ilmoitelkoon allekirjoittaneelle. Käymme ehdotukset läpi hallituksessa ja autamme tarvittaessa hakemuksen tekemisessä.
Terv. Jussi
August 20, 2014
Call for Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Neurophysiology
Professor David Burke will be stepping down as Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Neurophysiology at the end of December 2015 when he completes his 8-year term. The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) is now seeking his replacement. The term of Editor-in-Chief is four years, renewable once, and includes a position on the Executive Committee of the IFCN.
Starting with this appointment, IFCN will provide an annual sum, to be negotiated with the successful applicant, for office expenses and/or stipend of the appointee and his/her Editorial team.
Would you please circulate this letter to your Society members – if you or any of your members are interested in this position, you can apply to the President of IFCN* completing the details found below and on the Website of the IFCN (
The deadline for applications is the end of December 2014.
Application Form for Editor-in-Chief, Clinical Neurophysiology
Deadline: December 31, 2014
1. Name and Academic Degrees
2. Current Academic Positions
3. Areas of Interest and Expertise within Clinical Neurophysiology
4. Status and standing internationally within Clinical Neurophysiology
5. Selected Prizes, Awards, Lecture Invitations
6. Previous Editorial Experience
7. Vision for the Journal: Please describe how you see the journal now, what you might want to change and the directions which you would pursue if you are selected
Please attach your CV and bibliography, and put all items together in a single PDF document. *Send the application by email to Mark Hallett at and a copy of the application to Stephanie Stevenson