EEG-Synth-performanssi KNF-päivien yhteydessä


KNF-päivät lähestyvät ja samoin EEGSynth/oneplusoneisthree-performanssi. Pe 27.9.klo 16-17:30 (alustavasti, voi muuttua). Paikkana Kipsari, Väre, Aalto-yliopisto.

Tapahtuma on ilmainen

Tässä lyhyt kuvaus tapahtumasta:


We warmly invited you to join us for Andouillette.

Andouillette is a unique audio-visual performance by international art-science collective 1+1=3, created especially for the Finnish conference on Clinical Neurophysiology. In Andouillette, brain and body signals (e.g. EEG & iEMG) will be connected to modular synthesizers and video projections, creating musical audio-visual neurofeedback loops and deep listening experiences.

1+1=3 has been developing their performances, software and music, since 2014. You can find out more information about them, and their technology at and
