The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) tiedottaa jakavansa kuusi stipendiä, joista kukin on $ 25,000 USD – kolme tutkimukseen ja kolme koulutukseen.
Jaettavat apurahat on tarkoitettu erityisesti nuorille alle 35-vuotiaille (erikoistuville) KNF-lääkäreille kliinisen neurofysiologian tutkimuksen ja koulutuksen tueksi. Alla yhdistyksen presidentin terveiset (englanniksi).
The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) is pleased to announce the availability of six scholarships, each for $25,000 USD – three for research and three for education. These scholarships will be awarded to young clinical neurophysiologists to advance their training in clinical neurophysiology. Candidates must contact the education or research mentor themselves and obtain permission to apply for the scholarship.
These scholarships will be split between applicants from economically disadvantaged and developed countries.
The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN) is pleased to announce the availability of six scholarships, each for $25,000 USD – three for research and three for education. These scholarships will be awarded to young clinical neurophysiologists to advance their training in clinical neurophysiology. Candidates must contact the education or research mentor themselves and obtain permission to apply for the scholarship.
These scholarships will be split between applicants from economically disadvantaged and developed countries.
The following are the requirements for the education scholarship:
- CV, including training to date and publications and any other supporting documents considered appropriate
- Evidence of at least 6 months of specialty training in clinical neurophysiology
- Age less than 35 years at the application due date.
- Copy of passport or other government issued ID clearly showing applicants date of birth
- Goal of the scholarship
- Short description of the educational/training goals
- Duration of scholarship (minimum 6 months)
- Letter of recommendation from the home institution
- Letter of acceptance from the host institution supervisor/mentor
- Description of how the scholarship will result in change in the applicant’s current practice/employment.
The successful candidate for the education scholarship will be expected to fulfill the following obligations:
- Negotiate the exact dates of the scholarship with the host institution. The scholarship should be started within one year of receiving the award.
- It is expected that the scholarship will be completed without interruption, but if special circumstances arise, exceptions will be considered.
- Up to one month before the start of the scholarship, the successful applicant should request payment of one-half of the funds.
- After completion of one-half of the training (at least 3 months), the successful applicant should request payment of the other one-half of the funds; at this point, a brief update of the progress of the scholarship should be provided. This update should be countersigned by the mentor.
- The successful applicant must provide bank details for funds transfer.
- At the end of the scholarship, the successful candidate should submit a brief summary of the training that was completed.
- The successful applicant agrees to assist and allow promotion of the award through various media outlets, including social media.
- The successful applicant agrees to be contacted by the IFCN one year or more after completion of the scholarship to see what they are doing and how the scholarship enhanced their career.
The following are the requirements for the research scholarship:
- CV, including training to date and publications and any other supporting documents considered appropriate
- Evidence of at least 6 months of specialty training in clinical neurophysiology
- Age less than 35 years at the application due date.
- Copy of passport or other government issued ID clearly showing applicants date of birth
- Goal of the scholarship
- Short description of the research project the applicant will undertake
- Duration of scholarship (minimum 6 months)
- Letter of recommendation from the home institution
- Letter of acceptance from the host institution supervisor/mentor
- Description of how the scholarship will result in change in the applicant’s current practice/employment.
The successful candidate for the research scholarship will be expected to fulfill the following obligations:
- Negotiate the exact dates of the scholarship with the host institution. The scholarship should be started within one year of receiving the award.
- It is expected that the scholarship will be completed without interruption, but if special circumstances arise, exceptions will be considered.
- Up to one month before the start of the scholarship, the successful applicant should request payment of one-half of the funds.
- After completion of one-half of the training (at least 3 months), the successful applicant should request payment of the other one-half of the funds; at this point, a brief update of the progress of the scholarship should be provided. This update should be countersigned by the mentor.
- The successful applicant must provide bank details for funds transfer.
- At the end of the scholarship, the successful candidate should submit a brief summary of the project that was completed.
- The successful applicant agrees to assist and allow promotion of the award through various media outlets, including social media.
- The successful applicant agrees to be contacted by the IFCN one year or more after completion of the scholarship to see what they are doing and how the scholarship enhanced their career.
Please note that the application deadline for both the education and research scholarships is March 31, 2019.Selection of the successful candidates will be made by the IFCN Executive Committee (ExCo). Applicants will then be informed of the ExCo decision by May 15, 2019.