Uusi EMEAC-mentorointiohjelma on suunnattu nuorille koulutuksessa oleville tai kliinisen/akateemisen uransa alussa oleville lääkäreille, jotka haluavat saada virallista uraneuvontaa oman oppilaitoksensa ulkopuolelta. Ohjelmaan etsitään nyt mentoreita ja mentoroitavia!
Jos kiinnostuit, lue alta professori Anita Kamondin viesti ja ole rohkeasti suoraan yhteydessä häneen.
Dear National EMEAC Representatives,
The ExCo of the EMEA Chapter of IFCN is delighted to introduce our new EMEAC Mentorship Program. The program targets young colleagues in training or at the start of their clinical/academic career who seek to get a formal source of career advice outside their own institutions. Our mentorship program is developed to deliberate issues such as combining clinical and research work with a family, networking, obtaining career advice or insights in different promotion and funding options. The program is set up for the duration of one year that can be extended. Nevertheless, both sides are encouraged to establish a long term relationship. As a result, mentees will be able to improve their self-confidence, resilience, social skills and independence through their individual personal development plan (needs).
We are looking for Mentors! The Mentors should be IFCN members, recognized experts in their field (key opinion leader), passionate about sharing career experiences; able to interact and communicate effectively, should have sufficient time to support a mentee during the one-year period, and should be fluent in English.
We are looking for Mentees! The Mentees should be IFCN members, a neurology/psychiatry, neurophysiology, etc residents or medical doctors within the first 5 years of national board certification (junior consultant), PhD students (neuroscience and related fields) or Post-Docs (no more than 5 years into your post-doc position), should be ready to take the initiative and define concrete career goals; should have fluent in written and spoken English.
After a successful one year participation in the program a free registration to our next conference (e.g. ECCN2025, London) is granted, both for mentors and mentees!!!!
If you need more information please contact: Prof. Andrea Antal, Dept. of Neurology, University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany; aantal@gwdg.de (+49 661398461)
On behalf of the ExCo of EMEA Chapter of IFCN
Anita Kamondi
Prof. Dr. Kamondi Anita
egyetemi tanár
MTA doktora
osztályvezető főorvos
neurológiai szakmai igazgató
Országos Mentális, Ideggyógyászati és Idegsebészeti Intézet
1145 Budapest, Amerikai út 57.
Tel.:(06-1) 467-9300
Fax: (06-1) 251-5678